Enforcement & Remediation
We conduct investigations into unethical migration intermediaries and provide assistance to law enforcement and government. We utilise wide-ranging novel intervention strategies to disrupt unethical recruitment practices.
The use of technology driven data aggregation methods has enabled Migrasia to detect large-scale labour trafficking and debt bondage syndicates. Migrasia has developed novel, intelligence driven strategies to conduct investigations, enforce the law and hold unethical migration intermediaries accountable. By detecting suspected violations and sharing the findings with government and non-government stakeholders through case reports, Migrasia has been able to target a range of actors who often hide behind networks of corporate entities, to create industry-wide impact.
Case Studies
Kenyan Domestic
Migrant Workers in
Hong Kong
Written in collaboration with Migrasia Global Solutions.
Read more
Filipino Domestic Migrant
Workers in Hong Kong
and Cross Border Debt
Written in collaboration with Migrasia Global Solutions.